​10 East Church Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Blight Remediation
A primary function of the Redevelopment Authority is to address vacant and blighted properties within the City of Bethlehem. After a multi-step certification process, buildings certified as blighted may be subject to condemnation by the RDA under the Pennsylvania Urban Redevelopment Law if conditions are not corrected by the property owner.
The goal of the Redevelopment Authority has always been, and continues to be, transitioning blighted properties into code compliant, viable properties in our community. If you are interested in helping us combat blight and are able to rehabilitate blighted properties, consider becoming a qualified developer and work with the City of Bethlehem and RDA on future projects.
Details on becoming a qualified developer are available here:
Request for Proposals (RFP) for blight certified properties in the City of Bethlehem are
available here, as an additional webpage on this site:
To continue to improve our community, the Bethlehem RDA partnered with the City of Bethlehem for a blight study led by The Reinvestment Group. This study evaluated existing tools and methods used by the City and RDA to address the issue of blight as well as provide recommendations on ways to improve and expand its tackling of this issue.
Both the Blight Study Summary as well as the complete Blight Study Action Plan, including appendixes, are available here: