​10 East Church Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
About the RDA

All Home page Photos by H. Bambu-Weiss
The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Bethlehem (RDA) is a state incorporated redevelopment authority located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The RDA was created in 1953 as a government agency with the powers vested by Pennsylvania Redevelopment Authority law.
While many of its functions are targeted toward meeting the national objectives of blight removal, the RDA has a strong relationship working with the City of Bethlehem in various community projects and programs. During 2000 to 2020, the RDA was an active participant in the redevelopment of the former Bethlehem Steel site. The Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) District, spearheaded by the RDA in cooperation with the Bethlehem Area School District, City of Bethlehem and County of Northampton taxing bodies, was instrumental with redeveloping the largest brownfield site in the United States. Through the creation of the TIF District great improvements were made at this former industrial site, transforming it into a true destination site.
Throughout its years, the RDA has been, and continues to be, an integral part of the City's blight remediation program. By working with property owners, qualified developers, and nonprofits, the actions of the RDA is able to transform blighted properties into viable properties to benefit their neighborhoods and the overall community.
As a supporter of affordable housing opportunities, the RDA provides support to the City's first-time home buyer program as well as other government services available to the community. Through its active participation, the RDA strives to support the role of the City in continuing to improve our Bethlehem community for all who reside and enjoy it.